For the second year in a row, a UBC student has been recognized as University Co-op Student of the Year by the Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning in BC/Yukon (ACE-WIL), which represents over 300 co-op programs in 25 post-secondary institutions.
For his work term as a Financial Analyst with BC agricultural start-up AVA Technologies, Anton Bondarev received the 2020 ACE-WIL award. Anton's most significant achievements include organizing, forecasting and planning for financial endeavors, creating a strategy for international expansion, and bringing in the company’s largest ever overseas purchase order.
Last year, Bashara Hussain was recognized as ACE-WIL's 2019 University Co-op Student of the Year, for her work as an Economic Development Analyst with the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology.

About the ACE-WIL University Co-op Student of the Year Award
ACE-WIL BC/Yukon Student of the Year Awards honour students who display high levels of achievement throughout their work-integrated learning placement. There are four categories, including University Co-op Student. Students are selected based on impact to the partner organization, student (self), and post-secondary institution.