UBC Arts Co-op Student Awarded Top University Co-op Student in BC/Yukon

Bashara Hussain honoured for exceptional contributions to BC Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology

UBC Arts Co-op student Bashara Hussain has been recognized as the 2019 University Co-op Student of the Year by the Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning in BC/Yukon (ACE-WIL), which represents over 300 co-op programs in 25 post-secondary institutions.

In her position as Economic Development Analyst with the Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology (JTT), Bashara went above and beyond her responsibilities assisting with research, policy reports, and econometric and statistical support for two regional economic development programs in BC. Reflecting on these achievements, JTT Executive Director Greg Goodwin stated, “The depth and impact of Bashara’s contributions during her two terms with us far exceeded our expectations, and her work has had an immediate positive impact for the Ministry and the citizens of British Columbia.”

Bashara Hussain

Bashara’s numerous accomplishments advanced the Ministry’s move towards evidence-informed policy making. In particular, she was instrumental in operationalizing a pilot program to measure outcomes and help the Ministry gain a clearer understanding of how its work is impacting BC communities. As a testament to the quality of Bashara’s work, she was also tasked with producing an external publication, which is uncommon for co-op students. For this project, she interviewed senior officials and wrote an article on how one BC tourism association successfully used data to enhance regional tourism.

By demonstrating her strong work ethic and expertise, Bashara’s responsibilities quickly expanded and she was assigned to cross-branch work. This included helping another branch propose and develop foundational case studies for a government-wide course on policy making, which will be used to educate future policy makers for years to come.

For her outstanding work term, Bashara was also recognized as UBC Arts Co-op’s Undergraduate Student of the Year.

Community Involvement

Bashara has been an integral part of the UBC Arts Co-op community, notably as Co-Chair of the flagship Mentorship Program with the Arts Co-op Students’ Association. She was also a dedicated part of the BC Government’s co-op advisory board, in which she provided input to improve the experiences of co-op students in the provincial government.

Co-op: Expanding Horizons

After two years in the UBC Arts Co-op Program, Bashara has realized her ambitions in economic development and in creating more equitable and sustainable societies. Through her course work and co-op terms, Bashara was moved to think critically about local policies and interventions, and inspired to return to public service and work in the field of economic development upon graduation. In Bashara’s words, “I am grateful for my co-op experience for not only guiding me to discover my passion in development, but also for helping me gain the skills and confidence to bring rigour to this blossoming field.”


About the ACE-WIL University Co-op Student of the Year Award

ACE-WIL BC/Yukon Student of the Year Awards honour students who display high levels of achievement throughout their work-integrated learning placement. There are four categories, including University Co-op Student. Students are selected based on impact to the partner organization, student (self), and post-secondary institution.

About the UBC Arts Co-op Student of the Year Award

The annual award recognizes outstanding achievement in all aspects of the UBC Arts Co-op student’s performance, including academic achievement, job achievement/employer evaluation, personal statement, contribution to co-operative education, and contribution to extra-curricular activities.