Co-op Defined

Co-operative Education (“Co-op”) is a structured program that integrates a student’s academic studies with relevant, quality work experience. 

Your role as an employer is the co-operative part of this equation. We partner with employers from all sectors, in Canada and around the world, who in turn benefit from the contributions of bright, motivated co-op students.


To qualify as a co-op work term, the position you’re hiring for should be:

  • At least 420 hours per 4-month work term (full-time work)
  • Paid at an appropriate salary for the industry and level of responsibility, as well as meeting regional or provincial/federal employment laws
  • Supervised by a professional who offers mentorship and feedback throughout the work term 
  • Challenging, providing the student with work experience relevant to their academic pursuits and/or career development

Co-op students are available year-round for 4, 8, 12 and up to 16 month work terms* beginning in January, May, and September each year. We begin posting co-op jobs 4 months before the intended start date. 

For Start Date InPost Jobs During

Our timelines during the posting period are flexible to meet yours, but we encourage you to post early to ensure access to the biggest pool of available candidates. 

* Different co-op programs may have varying guidelines on maximum length

Available Disciplines

Students are available from across almost every discipline:

  • Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering 
  • Forestry
  • Human Kinetics
  • Land & Food Systems
  • Science

To learn more, visit our Program Spotlight.

Additional Details


Employer Expectations & Responsibilities

The UBC Co-op Programs encourage and welcome employers to post co-op opportunities to our talented students via the UBC Co-op website. To ensure all posted positions meet both employment standards and the Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Recruiting Ethics for student development, the following Employer Expectations and Responsibilities apply to all accounts, job postings, and job offers facilitated through the UBC Co-op Programs.

By posting a job with us, you are agreeing to our UBC Co-op Employer Expectations and Responsibilities. View the terms below or download a PDF. Should you have any questions, please contact us at


Your Agreement

By completing the account registration/submitting a job posting, you are confirming that you have read and understood this Employer Expectations & Responsibilities and agree to comply with them.


Should you have any questions about employer expectations and responsibilities, please contact us at